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Free Hugs Phoenix

This will warm your heart, cool video from the gals at Mind, Body and Soul.  It’ll make you laugh, smile and cry….watch it and then go give other people free hugs,  right now….I’m hugging you in my mind!  I hope you hug me back!

Posted on 30 January '11 by , under Video. 177 Comments.

Body Mind & Soul Networking & Lunch

Phoenix BodyMind AndSoul
Consider marking your calendar for this regular monthly meeting… get to know the people behind Phx Body Mind and Soul…

Last Mondays
11:30am to 1:00pm
Body Mind & Soul Networking & Lunch ~ East
Contact: 623.242.8264

non members always welcome
includes lunch
FREE for members!

at The Center Bistro in Tempe
21 East 6th Street, Suite 114
Brickyard Parking Garage 2 Hours Free with Validation
access: take Seventh St east from Mill Ave

more info:

Posted on 30 January '11 by , under Events. No Comments.

Pot-firing catapult found at Arizona-Mexico border

TUCSON – Drug smugglers trying to get marijuana across the Arizona-Mexico border apparently are trying a new approach – a catapult.

National Guard troops operating a remote video surveillance system at the Naco Border Patrol Station say they observed several people preparing a catapult and launching packages over the International Border fence last Friday evening.

Tucson TV station KVOA says Border Patrol agents working with the National Guard contacted Mexican authorities, who went to the location and disrupted the catapult operation.

The smugglers left the area before they could be captured, but Mexican officials seized about 45 pounds of marijuana, an SUV and the catapult device.

Naco is about 80 miles southeast of Tucson.

Posted on 27 January '11 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.


Another great find from facebook, I think it’s fun how she takes ANYTHING and makes it into something so creative and funky! I want everything she makes.  Check out her site here, it’s OUT-A-SITE!!!!

Posted on 26 January '11 by , under Visual Artists. No Comments.

Jim Pipkin, his music and Upcoming Event.

One of my newer friends is Jim Pipkin. I love this song, so I’m sharing it.  There is an upcoming event this weekend in Superior, Arizona.  Maybe you can take a drive and enjoy a wonderful day in this amazing small town, the scenery is wonderful and the drive is amazing.  If you feel like driving further, you can go to Globe and hit some of the cool antique shops, clothing stores.  My Fav is Simply Sarah…she has the coolest stuff…sorry she doesn’t have a website but if you make it here, call me and I’ll go with you.

See Jim playing live Saturday, January 29th and Sunday, January 30th from Noon to 3pm as part of Superior’s “Art in the Park” celebration in Besich Park on Main Street. Superior is 60 miles East of Phoenix on US 60, in the shadow of Picketpost Mountain.

Posted on 26 January '11 by , under Events, Musical Artists. 16 Comments.

My Body and Soul, first issue coming soon!

Loving what Crystal is doing and had to share her new magazine.  She has much to share and offer us!  Check out her website, Mind, Body & Soul

Posted on 26 January '11 by , under Magazines and Books. No Comments.

Check out Joni James and her Fabulous Artwork!

Just discovered this wonderful artist, totally by accident…well nothing is by accident.  But I LOVE her work, just ordered Janis today and CAN”T wait to get it!  Check out her stuff, you’re gonna want all of them….I promise….

Joni James, isn’t this amazing!  check her out on Facebook and at her etsy site …..or at her art site

Posted on 26 January '11 by , under Visual Artists. 2 Comments.

Art on the Run

First one I have to start with…Tracy Dove She insprires me everyday, is one of my best gal pals.  I love, love, love her and her art!

Not only do I love her art, but her coloring books are so fun to do and inspire the inner child in me (sometimes we lose that)!  Let me know what you think, I’m sure you’ll love her as much as I do!

Posted on 26 January '11 by , under Visual Artists. No Comments.

Joe Bethancourt Artist and Musician

Love Joe Bethancourt, he played across from Christown Mall for years (used to work at that long lost mall, it has a new name–Spectrum?  Not sure) Anyhow, he has wonderful photos/posters.  Here’s one to tempt you to go to his site and get some of them for yourself!

Posted on 26 January '11 by , under Musical Artists, Visual Artists. No Comments.